Wed 25 - Sat 28 June 2025 Trondheim, NorwayISSTA 2025with CPA 2025, FUZZING 2025, LLMSC 2025Welcome to the website of the ISSTA 2025 conference. The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. 2025 will mark the 34th edition of ISSTA! |
Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, AustriaISSTA 2024 with ISSTA/ECOOP 2024The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. 2024 will mark the 33rd edition of ISSTA! ISSTA Impact Paper Award We are pleased to announce the wi ... |
Mon 17 - Fri 21 July 2023 Seattle (University of Washington campus), Washington, United StatesISSTA 2023 with ECOOP and ISSTA 2023Welcome to the website of the 32nd edition of ISSTA! The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. ISSTA Impact Paper Award: We are pleased to ann ... |
Mon 18 - Fri 22 July 2022 OnlineISSTA 2022with AISTA 2022The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. 2022 will mark the 31st edition of ISSTA! ISSTA Impact Paper Award Congratulations to the following ... |
Sun 11 - Sat 17 July 2021 OnlineISSTA 2021 with ECOOP and ISSTA 2021The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. 2021 will mark the 30th edition of ISSTA! COVID-19 update ISSTA 2021 and co-located events were ori ... |
Sat 18 - Wed 22 July 2020 ISSTA 2020The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. ISSTA 2020 will be held on July 18-22, 2020. 05/19/2020 update: Due to the COVID-19 situation, ISSTA 2020 will ... |
Mon 15 - Fri 19 July 2019 Beijing, ChinaISSTA 2019with SPIN 2019, Diversity @ ISSTA - The Ada Workshop, Testing CompetitionThe ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. ISSTA 2019 will be held in Beijing, China, on July 15-19, 2019. ISSTA 2019 will be co-located with SPIN 2019, ... |
Sun 15 - Sat 21 July 2018 Amsterdam, NetherlandsISSTA 2018 with ECOOP and ISSTA 2018The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. ISSTA will take place from July 16th to 18th 2018 in Amsterdam. Colocated conferences include ECOOP and Curry ... |
Mon 10 - Fri 14 July 2017 Santa Barbara, California, United StatesISSTA 2017with SPIN 2017The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience on how to analyze and test software systems. ISSTA 2017 is over. See you at ISSTA 2018 in Amsterdam! Attending the conference Please see the Venu ... |
Myra CohenProgram Co-Chair
Iowa State University
United States
Salijona DYRMISHIDiversity and Inclusion Chair
University of Luxembourg
Paolo TonellaProgram Co-Chair
USI Lugano
Mike PapadakisGeneral Chair
University of Luxembourg
Alix DecropWeb Chair
University of Namur
Xavier DevroeyArtifact Evaluation Co-Chair
University of Namur
Sarra HabchiWorkshops Co-Chair
Maria KechagiaArtifact Evaluation Co-Chair
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Yiling LouSponsorship Co-Chair
Fudan University
Jie M. ZhangDoctoral Symposium Co-Chair
King's College London
United Kingdom
Michaël MarcozziPublicity Co-Chair
CEA, LIST, Université Paris Saclay
Darko MarinovDoctoral Symposium Co-Chair
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
United States
Dimitris MitropoulosWorkshops Co-Chair
University of Athens
Donn MorrisonSponsorship Co-Chair
Yannic NollerPublicity Co-Chair
Ruhr University Bochum
Kshitij SharmaLocal Arrangement Chair
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Jeongju SohnTool demonstrations co-chair
Kyungpook National University
South Korea
Ezekiel SoremekunTool demonstrations co-chair
Singapore University of Technology and Design
United Kingdom
Clay StevensSponsorship Co-Chair
Iowa State University
Zhijie WangProceedings Co-Chair
University of Alberta
Xuan XieProceedings Co-Chair
University of Alberta